Sales Funnel Update Frequency (When to Change the Design?)

Funnel strategy is an ongoing process, and your funnel design will not stay the same forever. To make it effective, you need to make changes. But how often should you do this?

Consider updating your sales funnel design every two months. You may want to make major or minor adjustments, depending on what you’re focusing on. In addition to the frequency, you should keep an eye on the key indicators that can help you recognize when it’s time to shift your funnel design strategy.

Sometimes people tweak their funnel design just for the sake of it. These little changes don’t usually have big impacts, so focus on making meaningful changes instead. You’d be surprised at the number of ways you can optimize your funnel design. 

When Should You Change Your Funnel Design?

You need to be aware of the internal and external factors that may influence your business and target customers.

Watching these factors will help you make the most effective adjustments to your funnel design.

1. Fixing Leaks in Your Funnel

A funnel is a marketing strategy that’s used to optimize your sales process. If this strategy is not reaching some consumers or is letting viable leads go unnoticed, you have a problem.

For insights into optimizing each stage of your funnel and fixing leaks effectively, explore my article on the four major phases of funnel marketing.

Luckily, it’s a problem that can be addressed by funnel testing, heatmaps, and form analytics.

Successful businesses rely heavily on data analysis to discover how consumers engage with their brand online. Change your funnel design to match the findings of your research.

Fixing Leaks in Your Funnel

2. Improving Low Conversion Rates

This is a common issue that entrepreneurs face. Maybe you’re generating a decent amount of traffic, but the conversion rate doesn’t reach your expectations.

If this is the case, it’s time to tweak your funnel design. Run analytics again and look for the conversion steps where your customers lose interest.

To gain insights into why your funnel design might be impacting your conversion rates and how to address these issues effectively, check out my article on why funnel design is important.

The good news is that you’ll find out what’s not working for your customers. You have more information than before, which is necessary if you want to make effective changes in funnel design.

3. Following Popular Design Trends

This step may not be necessary for everyone. However, if you want to update your funnel design or show your customers that you’re a creative brand, this step will help.

You can find out about emerging design trends through Pinterest, online communities, or by following popular design blogs.

By watching these sources, you can find the colors and elements that audiences are responding to. This is free data for your business!

You can also take inspiration from other popular websites and funnels as you update your own.

To explore fresh design ideas and discover how current trends can enhance your funnel, check out my article on funnel design ideas.

The best part is that you don’t need to use a trial-and-error method to discover impactful design strategies.

4. Keeping up with Emerging Technology & Innovation

Just like design trends, technology can change your funnel game too. This is especially relevant now because of the rise of digital marketing funnels.

Innovative tools and plugins can optimize the user experience while helping your brand stand out in digital spaces. This is a crucial factor to consider if you’re on the fence about updating your funnel design.

Apart from appearing to be an advanced brand, this helps you work smarter since innovative technology makes tasks faster and easier.

For example, email autoresponders save you the hassle of sending individual, manual emails to all of your leads.

Keeping up with Emerging Technology & Innovation

5. Adjusting to Shifts in the Digital Market

The main reason why traditional funnels are irrelevant today is because of digital spaces.

To understand why traditional funnels might not fit the digital age and how to adapt, read my article on the relevance of digital marketing funnel strategies.

The success and visibility of your business depend greatly on how informed you are when dealing with the digital market.

This includes understanding how consumers are interacting on digital platforms and how the platforms change to meet the needs of users.

Consider the different trends and opportunities present within the digital market and whether your competitors have picked up on it.

If the market is moving in a different direction than your funnel strategy, you need to make changes right away.

6. Reflecting Competitors’ Practices

Taking inspiration from your competitors will help you identify your company’s strengths and weaknesses.

More than that, if your target customers are going to your competitor for the same service you are offering, you need to figure out why their strategies are working and yours aren’t.

Are they providing value according to customer needs? How are they engaging with customers? How is their brand identity relevant to the customers they target?

After studying the competition, you can use the information to tweak your funnel design.

If you want to know which parts of your funnel needs to change, assess your business goals, and compare them with the current funnel results.

7. Rebranding your Funnel

While it can be expensive and time-consuming, companies sometimes decide to rebrand themselves. If you want to rebrand your business, you must significantly alter your funnel design.

Even if your previous funnel worked wonders for you, it is advisable to make changes. The whole point of rebranding is to move in a different direction, for whatever reason.

Sticking to an older funnel could not only be fatal for your ‘new’ business but will also waste a lot of resources.

8. Adapting to an Expanding Or Shifting Audience

If you’ve added a new product or service, you need to consider if the target audience is expanding. In most cases, it will either expand a little or shift.

At this point, your funnel design will need adjustments as well. You might need to add or edit your landing pages, including the copy.

9. Responding to Customer Feedback

Your business serves your customers, so their feedback is valuable to your success.

If your customers aren’t providing reviews on their own, make sure to place feedback forms on landing pages and email surveys to them.

This is one of the easiest and cheapest ways for a business to find out what the consumers think about its service.

Negative reviews are more helpful than positive reviews because they’ll help you change the things that aren’t working in your funnel design.

10. Improving Efficiency by Filtering Dead Leads

Just like plugging the leaks in your funnel, you need to weed out the dead leads. These leads might not be able to afford your services or access your products because of their geographical location.

Your time and resources must be directed toward people who fit your ideal customer criteria.

Change your funnel design so that you don’t attract people that can’t be your customers.

11. Dealing with Budget Changes

Many businesses spend a lot of money on their funnels just because their budgets have increased for the marketing department.

Similarly, they also reduce their marketing efforts in the case of budget cuts. You don’t need to change your funnel design solely because of your budget.

Create a funnel that targets a few marketing strategies instead of doing everything all at once. Try to create an experience that your customer wants and expects.

Dealing with Budget Changes

12. Including Smartphone-Friendly Strategies

Digital users frequently use their phones to scroll through websites and make purchases.

Your funnel design needs to be smartphone-friendly, so you don’t exclude potential customers. Smartphone operating systems make periodic updates, so your funnel should change as well.

Make sure you regularly tweak your funnel design to increase compatibility and improve the user experience.

Change Is the Only Constant for Your Funnel Design…

There are different factors to consider when it comes to changing your funnel design.

The best way to find out when you need to make these changes is by constantly researching the market and studying your own brand.

You could use your existing funnel for around two months and then tweak it again.

Giving your funnel enough time to engage with your audience is important because it helps you gather reliable information for future changes.

Shailen Vandeyar

A proud Indian origin Kiwi who loves to do BJJ and play with his pet bunny when not taking a plunge into the vast ocean of funnel design, email marketing, copywriting, conversions, and customer retention.

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