Getting A Copywriting Job With No Experience | 6 Steps

Copywriting is often considered to be a career that only hires professionals and experts. You might be discouraged from pursuing this job if you don’t have vast experience in advertising and marketing. However, you can still get into copywriting without experience.

To get hired as a copywriter without experience, first, find a niche. Next, identify target clients, write a captivating pitch with the portfolio link, and send it off. Be persistent and show that you have what it takes to be a great copywriter. You must be willing to learn and improve as well.

Copywriting is a competitive market, and you’ll be competing with others who may have more experience. To make up for it, you’ll need to be diligent and persistent in your efforts. Below we have some tips that will help you find a copywriting job!

How to Get a Copywriting Job Without Experience?

When it comes to copywriting, experience and education do help. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t get into the field if you don’t have the experience.

Follow the steps below to increase your chances of getting a job in copywriting.

1. Identify a Niche

Many businesses are looking for copywriters who can write for their specific niche.

Therefore, if you identify a niche in which you can specialize, you will increase the pool of potential clients you can write for. Some examples of potential niches include:

  • Real estate
  • Technology
  • Fashion
  • Beauty
  • Health
  • Parenting
  • Food

How do you identify your niche? There are a few different approaches you can try.

  • Think about the topics that you are passionate about.
  • Consider the fields you have experience in.
  • Write about things you know.

Don’t fall into the trap of being a jack of all trades. It is better to specialize in one thing than to try to be a copywriter for everything.

When you start out, it can be tempting to tell prospects that you can write about anything. However, this is not the best strategy.

By identifying a niche, you are showing potential clients that you are an expert in a certain area.

This makes you more attractive compared to a generalist who only has a surface-level understanding about everything.

All niches are welcome however some niches are a bit more lucrative than the others. Check them in my article, ‘Copywriting Niches‘.

Apart from that, niching down helps you identify your target clients’ pain points. It also allows you to create a more targeted portfolio that speaks to your ideal client’s needs.

Identify a Niche

2. Join Networking Groups

One of the best ways to get into copywriting is to network with people who are already in the field. There are several networking groups for copywriters that you can join.

These groups provide an opportunity to learn from experienced writers and make connections in the industry. Some of the most popular networking groups for copywriters include:

  • Advertising Copywriting on LinkedIn
  • Science of Copywriting on Facebook
  • Copywriter Café on Facebook
  • Joanna Wiebe (Copyhackers) on Twitter
  • Copywriting on Reddit

You can also join relevant LinkedIn groups and follow copywriting hashtags to find networking opportunities.

The best way to find networking groups is to do a simple search on Google (or your preferred social media platform).

In addition to mentorship opportunities, you can also get referrals for copywriting jobs from these groups. Businesses also post job openings for writers with specific experience.

3. Write Relevant Samples

Once you have identified your niche, the next step is to write relevant samples. These samples can be used to show potential clients what you can do.

If you don’t have experience, samples can show you are a capable copywriter. At this stage, you should focus on quality over quantity.

It is better to have a few well-written samples than a bunch of poorly written ones. Another tip is to ensure your samples are relevant to the industry you want to target.

For example, don’t use a fashion ad as your sample if you want to write web copy for real estate. If you are struggling to come up with ideas for samples, here are a few prompts that you can use:

  • A landing page for a new product
  • An email campaign to promote a sale
  • Social media posts for a new product launch
  • A blog post about an industry trend
  • An eBook on a popular topic in your niche

The goal is to write interesting samples and showcase your copywriting skills. Once you have a few samples, you can move on to the next step.

To get an idea go through these examples of social media copy that I’ve curated in my article, ‘Copywriting Ideas For Social Media‘.

4. Upload the Copies on a Portfolio

The best way to showcase your skills is to create a portfolio. Your portfolio can be a website, portfolio portal, or blog where you showcase your best work. It should be easy to navigate and look professional.

Remember, your portfolio reflects your brand, so ensure it is up to par. Platforms like Journo PORTFOLIO and offer simple portfolio solutions for writers.

If you already have a website, you can also create a page on your site dedicated to your writing samples.

Apart from your samples, your portfolio should include information about your copywriting services, rates, and contact information.

Once you have everything in place, you are ready to start marketing your services to potential clients.

Upload the Copies on a Portfolio

5. Identify Target Clients

Going for low-budget projects might seem like a good way to start your copywriting career. However, this is usually not worth your time and effort.

Focus on quality instead of quantity and identify clients who are willing to pay what you are worth. These clients will be more likely to give you repeat business and provide positive referrals.

However, it is essential to be moderate in your pricing. Overcharging will discourage potential clients, and undercharging will devalue your services.

If you lack experience, you also might not be able to demand higher rates just yet. To find target clients, start by listing companies or businesses you would like to work with.

Once you have your list, you can research these companies and look for their contact information. One way to find target clients is by using a LinkedIn Sales Navigator tool.

This tool allows you to filter your search results by job title, company size, and location. Another way to find target clients is to use Google search operators.

You can also use other parameters like job titles, company sizes, and locations to find your target clients.

With the widespread reach of social media, you can even find clients on Instagram. Learn how to approach and connect with them in my article, ‘How To Find Copywriting Clients On Instagram?‘.

6. Send Pitching Message

A captivating pitch is essential to getting a copywriting job without experience. Your pitch should convince the recipient to open and read it.

The subject line is one of the essential elements of your email. It should be brief, attention-grabbing, and relevant to the recipient.

The pitch is an excellent opportunity to make an impression and sell yourself. It should be well-written and free of errors.

Start by introducing yourself and explaining how you can help the recipient accomplish their goals.

It is also a good idea to include a call-to-action (CTA) at the end of your email. This could be something like inviting the recipient to view your portfolio or scheduling a call.

Including a portfolio link in your pitch is a great way to show off your work and demonstrate your writing skills. If you have any relevant samples, you can also attach them to your email.

Apart from cold-pitching, you can also look for job postings and apply for copywriting positions. However, this approach is not always effective, as most companies receive hundreds of applications.

It is essential to stand out from the competition by customizing your resume and cover letter. You should highlight relevant skills or experience, even if it is not directly related to copywriting.

You can expect to hear back from one to two recipients of every ten messages you send. If you don’t hear back after a week, it is a good idea to follow up with your recipients.

How to Get a Copywriting Job Without Experience

You Can Prove Your Mettle by Building a Portfolio Showcasing Your Examples…

Getting a copywriting job without experience is possible if you are willing to put in the work. To increase your chances of success, start by identifying a niche and joining networking groups.

You should also write relevant samples and upload them to your portfolio. When you are ready to start pitching potential clients, craft a compelling message and include a portfolio link.

Finally, don’t forget to follow up with your recipients if you don’t hear back within a week. By following these steps, you will be well on your way to getting a copywriting job with no experience.

Shailen Vandeyar

A proud Indian origin Kiwi who loves to do BJJ and play with his pet bunny when not taking a plunge into the vast ocean of funnel design, email marketing, copywriting, conversions, and customer retention.

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