Copywriting vs Content Writing Examples (5 Case Studies)

Copywriting and content writing are essential for any business that’s trying to grow. Mastering both forms of writing will improve SEO and ensure people understand your brand’s products and benefits. To write good content and copy, it’s helpful to study other people’s work.

Some companies that use copywriting and content writing to create compelling messages include Coursera, Avada, Ben & Jerry’s, Quetext, Google, PwC, and Coca-Cola. They often use a mix of both copy and content to encourage readers to act. By studying these examples, you can see when to use each type.

Below, we will look at these examples of copywriting and content writing and see how they work in the real world. It’s easy to become inspired as you look at the success of other brands.

Examples of Copywriting

The goal of any good copywriter is to ensure that what they write will be read by their target audience and convince them to take some kind of action.

Some of those actions may include signing up for your newsletter, buying a product, and more. Learn more about what copywriting can do for you in my article—’Purpose of Copywriting‘.

There are different types of copywriting, including product descriptions, email newsletters, landing pages, ebooks, blog posts, social media posts, etc.

Although it’s one of the hardest things to master, understanding the different types of copy will allow you to create some great work. The following are some of the most common types of copywriting:

1. Advertising copywriting as used by Coursera

Copywriting requires creativity, attention to detail, and writing skills. Coursera exemplifies these traits. Coursera shows how good copy must include compelling headlines, clear descriptions, and a great tone.

Advertising copywriting as used by Coursera

This example shows an understanding of how people think and behave online.

To succeed at advertising, you must first understand your target audience and why they are interested in your product or service. Then you can write ads that appeal to them.

Advertisement copywriting is a unique subgenre. See what it takes to become an advertisement copywriter as well as how to go about it in my article, ‘Advertising Copywriter‘.

2. Direct response copywriting as used by Avada

Direct response copywriting is also known as “bottom line” advertising because it’s used when you want to sell something directly to consumers.

Avada uses direct response copywriting to persuade readers to purchase their services.

They use persuasive copy to sell their guides about design, entrepreneurship, eCommerce, and digital marketing to their online customers.

Additionally, Avada uses action words like “Order now,” “Request a Quote,” “Get Started Today”, etc. They always tell people what they should be doing next. This moves the reader through the sales process.

Direct response copywriting as used by Avada

3. Social media copywriting as used by Ben & Jerry’s

Social media copywriting is similar to traditional advertising copywriting.

However, instead of using print advertisements, Ben & Jerry’s focuses on attracting followers and engaging with potential customers on their social media accounts.

Instagram is their platform of choice, but they have an excellent web presence everywhere.

Social media copywriting as used by Ben & Jerry’s

However, it can be tricky to create good social media copy because there are so many different platforms: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Snapchat, YouTube – the list goes on and on.

Brands must tailor their copy to match each platform’s tone and format requirements. Make sure you post interesting articles, share useful information, and interact with other users.

Of course, adding a link to your store page never hurts! Companies like Uberall and Fenty Beauty also lean into this form of copywriting campaigns using value or benefit proposition to make them stand out.

Check them out and more in my article ‘Copywriting Ideas For Social Media‘.

4. Email marketing copywriting as used by Quetext

Quetext uses email marketing as its medium to reach its potential customers. Quetext usually includes links to sales pages to encourage readers to take action.

In addition, they make sure their emails are interesting by writing great subject lines and messages that convert the reader.

Email marketing copywriting as used by Quetext

You can see that Quetext also uses friendly language and includes a compelling call to action. The offer is almost too good to resist!

If you want to get more people interested in your products or services, then email marketing can be one of the best ways to do so. Small and large businesses alike use it to promote their products or services.

5. Promotional copywriting as used by Skullcandy

Promotional copy is designed to promote products and services. It may be written by marketers, salespeople, designers, developers, writers, or editors.

Promotional copywriting can be helpful for any business, but it’s particularly beneficial for e-commerce sites because they have so many different products to discuss.

For instance, Skullcandy promotes its brand with persuasive words and goes straight to what the readers want to hear.

Promotional copywriting as used by Skullcandy

If you want to promote your business or product online, then promotional copywriting is one of the best ways to get people interested in your brand.

It can be done through blogs, social media posts, websites, email marketing campaigns, and more.

Examples of Content Writing

Content writing examples include articles, press releases, white papers, ebooks, infographics, webinars, etc.

The main goal of content writing is to attract visitors to your website and build relationships with them. Later on, this level of trust can convert them into loyal customers.

Therefore, these documents should be well researched, well structured, and easy to read. The following are some of the most common types of content writing:

1. Website content writing as used by Patagonia

Content writing focuses on creating valuable content that helps businesses attract new customers. Content writing is often accompanied by content marketing which often includes long-form articles.

It may also include videos, infographics, podcasts, ebooks, etc. Remember that different content works well for different industries. For instance, Patagonia uses stories to attract more followers.

Their brand emphasizes the protection of natural resources. Ensure the content on your website is easy to read and understand.

Good storytelling should also invoke an emotional response from your target audience.

Website content writing as used by Patagonia

2. Blog content as used by Coca-Cola Company

Blog posts can be short or long, but most blogs have a similar length. The goal of a blog post is to help readers learn more and interact with a brand.

Blog content as used by Coca-Cola Company

For example, Coca-Cola uses blogs to reach out to its customers across the globe. They do this by writing blog posts that are interesting, informative, and helpful.

In addition, these blog posts build a positive image of the brand.

Blogs are written differently from copy. I’ve created a detailed guide on the dos and don’ts of blog copywriting. Go through my article, ‘Blog Copywriting‘ for insights on how to write a compelling blog.

3. Case studies as used by PwC

A case study provides a closer look at a specific situation or thing. Many businesses have case studies of their products, advertising campaigns, and history.

This PwC example shows that case studies are often written as narrative essays since they rely heavily on existing information and data. This makes writing them easier because there isn’t as much room for error.

Case studies are helpful for both brands and customers. Businesses can use them to showcase their success, while customers can look at case studies to see the pros and cons of various brands.

Case studies as used by PwC

4. Scriptwriting for video as used by Amanda Horvath

Video scripts can be very long or short, depending on how much information needs to be conveyed. A video script should include all the relevant product or service information.

It should also contain any special instructions or warnings about the product or service. Amanda Horvath’s YouTube channel shows how she uses video scripting to promote her business online.

Script content is important because it enables brands to deliver their messages in a more accessible and personal way.

Scriptwriting for video as used by Amanda Horvath

5. White papers as used by Google

White papers are used by businesses to promote their products or services. White papers are usually long (up to several thousand words) and may contain information about a company’s product or service.

For instance, Google uses white papers to encourage readers to leverage Google’s authority and embrace AI.

White papers as used by Google

White papers are written by experts who are knowledgeable about their subject matter and can explain complex ideas clearly.

So, if you need to use white papers to persuade potential customers, you may want to hire a professional.

Use Copywriting to Drive Customers to Your Landing Page and Sell; However, Use Long-Form Content for a Personal Touch to Inform…

Copywriting focuses on using words to persuade people to take action. It’s about making sales pitches and convincing readers to buy your product.

Content writing focuses on creating content that is useful and engaging. It’s about telling stories with words and images to get the reader’s attention.

However, excellent communication skills are required if you want to use either of these in your business.

Also, since each requires different approaches, consider gaining the necessary expertise before you start writing. You can also hire someone with experience to help you if you need a professional touch.

Shailen Vandeyar

A proud Indian origin Kiwi who loves to do BJJ and play with his pet bunny when not taking a plunge into the vast ocean of funnel design, email marketing, copywriting, conversions, and customer retention.

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